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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Yearly PTA Events Timetable




PTA AGM                                                            Tuesday 19th September – 5.30pm


Coat Drive                                                          16th - 18th October


Halloween Disco                                               Thursday 19th October– 5.00pm till 6.00pm, 6.15pm till 7.15pm


Fireworks Extravaganza                                   Friday 10th November – 5.30pm


Non uniform                                                      Friday 1st December, Non uniform day bring a bottle for the fayre


Christmas Fayre                                               Friday 1st December – 5pm  – Joint with Infants


Christmas Wrap                                                Monday 11th December


Valentine Disco                                                Thursday 8th February – 5.00pm till 6.00pm, 6.15pm till 7.15pm


Mother’s Day Wrap                                         TBC


Spring Fayre                                                      Saturday 18th May (Joint with Infants) 11 am - 3 pm


Spring Disco                                                      Thursday 23rd May – 5.00pm till 6.00pm, 6.15pm till 7.15pm


Father’s Day Wrap                                           TBC


Colour Run                                                        Saturday 29th June


Summer BBQ                                                     Friday 12th July


End of Year Disco                                             Tuesday 16th July – Year 3,4,5 - 5.00pm till 6.00pm, Year 6 - 6.30pm till 7.30pm


Yr6 Fun Day                                                       Thursday  18th July
