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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Shining Stars

At St. Stephen's, we  are very proud of the children's behaviour.  They are keen to learn, are kind and considerate and aim to do their very best.  However, there are some children who 'shine' above the rest - our Shining Stars!!


Each term a child from each class is chosen because of their exemplary behaviour at school.  These children always follow our Golden Rules and values, never lose 5/10 minutes of their lunch time, always get their homework in on time and are helpful and respectful of others.


As a reward for this outstanding behaviour, our Shining Stars receive a special certificate and a gold star badge, earn 100 house points for their house and have chocolate 'star' cake with Ms Wilson.


Please scroll down to see this term's Shining Stars.  We are very proud of them - we hope you are too!!

Our Shining Stars Term 1 2021
