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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Welcome to our class web page where you can find out about our amazing learning journey. You will find information about our activities, examples of our work and comments from us! Please visit often to see our learning journey develop.

Contact Miss Porter!

Key Information

6KP have outdoor P.E. on a Monday and indoor P.E. on a Wednesday.

6KP's entrance and exit points are at the front of the building, next to the main school office. At the end of the day, children will be released from the door by the side of the office.

Term 3

This term, Year 6 are going to be looking at the enquiry 'What could our future in Soundwell look like?'. Through this enquiry, we will be looking at two Global Goals: Goal 7 - Affordable and clean energy, and Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities. Throughout the enquiry, our lead state is Being a Geographer. As well as this, we are going to be continuing our work around the book Cogheart and start to immerse ourselves into a new book: Wonder.

Avon and Somerset Fire and Rescue

This week, Year 6 were lucky enough to start off with a visit from Avon and Somerset Fire and Rescue. Building on from our trip to Life skills, they came in to teach us fire and water safety. We had a range of different scenarios to work through as a group and then we went through the answers to check our understanding. It was very thought-provoking and we all left feeling like we knew a little more on how to keep ourselves safe. 

Thrive Time!

This week in 6KP, we have been looking at how we can work together to create an agreed upon piece of work. In teams, we thought about a story that we would like to write and created a story board. All 4 members of the team had to agree on what the story would be about. As well as this, in pairs, we had to create a picture. One person explained what it would look like to the other and they had to give it a go to recreate the vision of their partner! 

Term 2

This term, Year 6 are going to be looking at the enquiry 'What have the Victorians taught us about working life?'. Through this enquiry, we will be looking at two Global Goals: Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth and Goal 10 - Reduced inequalities. Throughout the enquiry, our lead state is Being a Historian. As well as this, we are going to be continuing our work around the book Cogheart in our writing to further immerse ourselves into the Victorian era.

Pantomime Trip

WOW! What an experience we had this week! We were lucky enough to be taken to the pantomime thanks to the PTA. We had an incredible time and enjoyed every minute. Although we couldn't take pictures of the actual play, have a look at some snaps of us whilst there!

Being historians...

This week, we put on our inspector boots! We were looking at the Factory Act 1833 and what it entailed. Looking through what was expected of factories in response to this act, we then went round the classroom, analysing at the factories we drew last week and inspecting them. Once we had done this, we wrote our own inspection reports, outlining all the ways in which the factories had failed to live up to expectations. We even decided what the punishment was going to be. 

Being historians

This week, we have been immersing ourselves into life as a Victorian. In order to do this, we had a look at some of the games that Victorian children would have been playing in the playground as well as looking at some of the adverts that would have been displayed around town!

Term 1

This term, Year 6 are going to be looking at  the enquiry 'How has our understanding of the human body changed over time?'. Through this enquiry, we will be looking at Global Goal 3 - Good Health and Wellbeing and our lead state is Being a Historian. As well as this, we are going to be looking at the book Cogheart in our writing to immerse ourselves in the Victorian era as we travel through time in enquiry. 

Being historians and scientists

This term, we have been looking at the enquiry question 'How has our understanding of the human body changed over time?'. In order to show off our understanding, we have been creating a presentation to share with our parents, explaining all of the weird and wonderful things we have learned about the changes in medicine throughout the ages. We worked tirelessly to create an engaging piece of work that we are super proud of. Please take a look at the pictures of our final pieces below.

Being orators

This week, we have been orators as 4CW collaborated with the us to show off our hard work that we are proud of and want to present to our parents next week during the Oracy Parent's Meetings. We were able to choose one piece of work that we wanted to present to them - this could have been through writing, equiry or RE. Even though they enjoyed having a natter, 4CW were able to explain to us why their work was important to them and we were able to tell them the same back. 

Being a writer - National Poetry Day!

This week, we were excited to step away from our normal daily routine to immerse ourselves into the world of poetry. We started by creating our own rhymes (Miss Porter worked hard to use our ideas to create a silly poem) and then we went on to explore a range of poetry books. One book we focused on in particular was Poems Aloud by Joseph Coelho. We then used one of his poems 'The bones of Pampachiri' as inspiration for our own poems about different places. In the afternoon, we rehearsed and recited a poem ready for all of our parents to see. 



6KP Class Poem

Still image for this video

Being a historian

This week, 6KP have been being historians by researching the gruesome Black Death. We found out what it was, where it came from, the symptoms of it and how to treat it. We thought about the preventative measures people back then would have taken to try and stop the spread! Using this information, we created our own informational posters. 
