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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Our Rights Respecting Charter

Week 14 Home Learning Links

Term 4

Key information:


Term 4 PE: Indoor  PE on a Monday and outdoor PE on a Wednesday with Bristol Sport. 

Words of the week: 





Times table for this week are the 9 and 4 times table. 

This term, Year 5 will be investigating the sustainability of Bristol. We will be looking at the Earth from space and learning how different Scientists have had an impact on our world.  We will be using the text ‘Women in Science’ by Rachel Ignotofsky as well as the text 'Hello is this Planet Earth?' by Tim Peake to support our writing and develop our understanding of how society has changed through Science. 

Science - Investigating the heart Article 28

Term 3

Key information:


Term 3 PE: Outdoor PE on a Monday and intdoor PE on a Wednesday.

Words of the week: 




Times tables to practice this week are the 12 x table. 

This term, Year 5 will be investigating the history of Bristol by examining the slave trade and answering the question: ‘How did the sugar trade change Bristol’.  We will be using the text ‘Freedom’ by Catherine Johnson to support our writing and develop our understanding of slavery. Our final challenge will be to create a TED talk showing the impact of the slave trade.

Oracy class Assemblies TED talk presentations

This is our maths. We are learning about equivalent fractions. Article 28

This is our guided reading. We are reading a text about Harry Potter and we are also learning about inference. Article 28

This is our English. We have been learning about cohension within paragraphs. Article 28

Play Pod - Article 31 You have the right to play and rest.

WOW Day - How did the sugar trade changed Bristol? Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

Computing Day - Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.

Term 2

Key information:


Term 2 PE: outdoor on a Monday and indoor on a Wednesday with Bristol Sport. 

This term, our class book is Street Child by Berlie Doherty. We will be following the journey of Jim Jarvis through the Victorian Era and the troubles that he faces. Through this book we will be focusing on a variety of genres and linking it to our year group targets. Making links with our class book, we will be learning about the Industrial Revolution which links to our Global Goal this term- Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Wow Day!

Year 5 learned about child labour and the fashion industry through their wow day. Firstly, we investigated clothing to see what it was made of and where it was made. We found that our clothes were made in places such as Bangladesh, Shri Lanka, Vietnam, Chile and Indonesia.

We then learned what it could be like to work in a cotton mill. We tried to create thread from raw cotton and we also learned how to stitch two pieces of material together by hand- something which many people are still doing as part of their jobs.

Next, we learned that child labour was a big part of the cotton industry during the industrial revolution and sadly that is could be a dangerous and scary time to be a poor child. Furthermore, we found out that child labour still happens today in many industries and many children across the world are not having their rights met.

Finally, we talked about how we could help to stop child labour through protest, which will be our aim for this term!

Article 32:

You have the right to be protected from work that is bad for your health and education. You have the right to be paid fairly for work that you do

Maths concrete capacity lesson

Gurdwara Visit:


Year 5 visited the Gudwara today! We learned so much about Sikhism and had a really interesting visit.  During this session we were comparing different places of worship for different faiths. It was really interesting to see the similarities and differences between the Church and the Gudwara. We talked about the holy book, (the Guru Granth  Sahib) saw where it was read and kept, and we even had some drinks and biscuits at the end. We were so grateful to the volunteers that showed us around! 

Maths converting mass

Term 1

Key information:

PE days for  Term 1 will be- Indoor PE on a Thursday and outdoor PE on a Tuesday.  Swimming will be on the days indicated on the letter which was given out at the end of last term. 

This term we will be immersing ourselves into our Power of Reading text The Explorer. We will be following the journey of Fred and his new friends as they travel through the Amazon Rainforest. Through this text, we will be recapping on our learning from year 4 and learning some new skills such as manipulating clauses and developing noun phrase within our creative writing. In addition to this, will be learning about Amazonian animals and how the impact of climate change has affected the rainforest and their habitat. 


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We have been practising our new words of the week!


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Can you guess what one of our words is yet?

Maths Learning- we have been learning about decimal numbers

Greta Thunberg Presentations

RE- we are working towards our enquiry question

Reggae assembly

Reggae Assembly

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Presentations to parents
