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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Welcome to class 6GD


Welcome to our class web page where you can find out about our amazing learning journey. You will find

information about our activities, examples of our work and comments from us! Please visit often to see our learning journey develop.

Contact us!

We have our own 6GD email! If you would like to contact us, please do so with the secure form below- we will be checking it regularly. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Key information: Year 6 will have their P.E. days on a Monday and a Wednesday. Their entrance/exit points to the school are the Year 6 door by the school office. Year 6 teachers will have their planning days every other Wednesday so other teaching staff will cover the classes.

Term 6

We have reached the last and final term of Junior School! Where has that time gone? In Term 6, we will be finishing off showing off our fantastic writing skills, covering Science, DT, art and Jigsaw content as well as preparing for secondary school with transition days and practising and performing the Year 6 production! Stay tuned to see our fantastic work! 

Careers Week! 

This week, we have been blown away by assemblies, activities and many special visitors to explore the vast range of careers that we may have one day! We have understood that some people have multiple jobs and others have one that they stick to for their whole life duration but either choice is fine! We would like to say a very special thank you to Lynne, Mike, Mr Taylor, Trish and Laura who came into our class to tell us all about their career and what they like/dislike about their roles! Our guests included a funeral director/planner, a hypnotherapist, a complaints handler and the head of women's cricket! We have also had whole school assemblies with a florist, police officers and a dancer! It has inspired us and made us think of what we would like to do when we are older!

Our amazing writing:

SATs did not signal the end of all our hard work! We carried on writing. Have a read through to see just how much we've learned. Our teachers are super proud of our imagination and dedication.

Term 5

With just three weeks of revision before SATs, we have coming back refreshed and raring to go. After SATs (in week 4), we'll start sharing some of our fantastic work with you again.

.... That's a wrap on SATs!

We are so proud of your hard work, focus and dedication. You have shown great resilience and perseverance to achieve your very best! What better way to celebrate than with your leaver's hoodies and an ice lolly? 

A Big Well Done!

Wow! 6GD have absolutely worked their socks off in order to be ready for SATs next week. We are incredibly proud of them and no matter their results, we know they have given it their all. Well done 6GD! We wanted to share this message with you along with some treats to say how amazing you all are! 

Term 4

Knowledge organisers: Electricity and Design and Technology

Learning Overview

This term, we will be developing our skills as engineers to create a mechanical toy based on our writing text `Harry Potter`. In writing, we will be continuing to use the magical and wonderful book of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to entertain our readers as we continue to learn more Year 6 writing targets and develop our writing style through a number of different genres.

Rock Steady Concert! 

We enjoyed yet another Rock Steady concert and it was by far the best one yet! Well done to all of the performers especially Reggie, Oliver and Kristian who represented 6GD! 

No Pens Day! 

Every term, we put down our pens and learn through talking! We explored a new talk tactic of 'probe' which means to dig deeper, ask for evidence or justification of another person's answer. Alongside using this and other talk tactics of build, challenge, summarise and clarify, we discussed several discussion points as well as playing oracy games. 

World Book Day!

What a joy to come to school in our pyjamas! We have loved den building, sharing stories with our friends and igniting our love for reading. It is so great to take some time out of our busy days of learning and just enjoy a good book. They can take you on adventures to far away planets and worlds you can only dream of! What power books have. Have you read any good books lately?

Being an engineer: Harry Potter Cam Toys

This term, we worked as engineers to design and make toys with moving mechanisms. We used different shaped Cams to make our toys move in either a linear or rotary way. Take a look at the videos and pictures of their work - Ms Perrett was super impressed with their engineering skills and what they could produce in less than a day.

Term 3

This term, we are exploring a brand new enquiry of 'What could Soundwell look like?'. Within this enquiry, we will be developing our skills as engineers and scientists to design a future city which provides its citizens with sustainable living solutions.

In writing, we will be using the magical and wonderful book of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to entertain our readers as we continue to learn more Year 6 writing targets and develop our writing style through a number of different genres.

Mental Health Week 

In 6SP, we have been discussing the importance of understanding what mental health is and the need to look after it. After playing a game of 'connect' bingo, we thought about this word and what it means to connect with people. We thought about different ways we could connect with others and how doing something so simple and small could make a huge difference to someone else's life. 

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 7th February was a very special as we celebrated and joined in with Safer Internet Day. We enjoyed a whole school assembly with Miss Bishop before exploring what is good and bad about the internet, acting out some scenarios and making posters about staying safe online. 

No Pens Day! 

For No Pens Day in Term 3, we quickly recapped on what oracy is and how we use it not just in the classroom, but in our everyday lives. We have mastered the talk tactics of build, challenge and summarise so it was time to introduce the new role of... instigate! Using all four talk tactics, we discussed a range of statements including, 'It is okay for the Government to change its mind', 'The Lionesses made history' and 'Everyone should learn sign language'. We also created short performances showcasing the different talk tactics as well as playing several games to show the importance of listening. 

Indoor PE - Gymnastics

We have loved our first couple of gymnastics sessions with the sports coaches. We have been learning to tuck, pike, straddle, arabesque, roly poly and cartwheel! Check out the photos below!

Year 6 Fashion Show: What do ethics have to do with clothing?

Term 2

In Term 2, we are continuing to delve deeper with our enquiry, 'What do ethics have to do with clothing?'. Children will learn about low-paid work - that still happens in the world today - to produce the clothes that we can buy in our country. As we continue to learn our new Year 6 writing targets, we will be uncovering a missing person's case in our brilliant book, 'Cogheart'. 


This term in computing, we have looked at what makes a good website and thought about the purpose and audience of particular websites. We have looked at the features of a website including web pages and have created our own. We thought carefully about a clear and eye-catching format to keep our audiences intrigued! 

Bristol Old Vic Production 

We would like to say a massive thank you to the PTA for organising a wonderful production from the Bristol Old Vic. We really enjoyed our afternoon watching the play and admired the set, actors and costumes. Here's what we had to say... 

  • "That was so amazing! I loved every minute" - Myleigh
  • "I really like the different songs. It was really engaging" - Steven
  • "The best afternoon ever!" - Lyla

Our Vocabulary Books

This week we have been using our vocabulary books to explore and develop our vocabulary. It has been great to spend time really immersing ourselves in language and thinking carefully about what different words mean. These books will help us to write our gruesome Penny Dreadfuls and we have come up with some fantastic phrases and sentences to create tension and suspense. We are so excited to get writing!

No Pens Day! 

To focus and celebrate our oracy skills, we have had our first No Pens Day of the year! We have enjoyed discussing why talk is important and understand that oracy not just happens in lessons, it happens every day in every interaction. We have enjoyed playing oracy games in our talk trios, small groups and as a class.  

Superb Spanish

We have been thoroughly enjoying our Spanish lessons each week. This week we have been learning the days of the week. We work really hard on getting the correct pronunciation. Using clapping, silly voices and lots of repetition seems to do the trick! 

Term 1

Year 6 kicks off with a bang when we are confronted with a missing person's enquiry set in a fantasy world not too different from our own. We will be using the book 'Cogheart' to set the scene as we learn new Year 6 writing targets to entertain our readers. 


This thrilling adventure is set in Victorians times which leads nicely into our enquiry. Building on their work in Year 5, 'What do ethics have to do with clothing?' delves deeper into the Victorian period and the forced labour of children in workhouses. Children will learn about low-paid work - that still happens in the world today - to produce the clothes that we can buy in our country.

Enquiry 1 eBook: What do ethics have to do with clothes?

Engage: What is an engineer?

As part of our engage, we started thinking about what it means to be an engineer. 

What is an engineer?

'An engineer is someone who fixes things' Charlie

'I think they have ideas and then make things from their designs' Tyler


We were then set a design brief. 

Design brief: You will need to design and make a mobile phone cover/pocket.

It was lots of fun and we were really pleased with our final products. It was difficult to thread the needles but we persevered and were paitent and we got there in the end. 

Being a Theologian - Today 4AH shared their Harvest Celebration with UKS2. We were reminded of other's and putting their needs before us and how we can share when other's are not as fortunate. 

St Stephen's singing at Church

Uploaded by Katrina Crossfield on 2022-10-08.

Voting for our 'Voice of the Change Makers' 

After hearing some amazing speeches and understanding the importance of democracy, we headed to the hall to vote for our favourite girl and boy candidate to be a 'Voice of the Change Maker'. This role is a very important one as the selected candidates will voice their and their peers' opinions on important school matters. It was a really tricky decision for us as there were so many wonderful candidates so we are excited to hear who will fulfil the role soon!


This week, we have explored and developed our oracy knowledge and skills. Oracy is all about communicating effectively and how we use our bodies and voices to be a confident and articulate speaker. In order to have a discussion, we realised the importance of listening and how it is polite and respectful to show someone that you can listen well. We generated our class steps to success for listening and discussion and put them to the test in a variety of discussions and games. A particular favourite of ours was the game, would you rather, as we debated questions such as 'Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?' and 'Would you rather travel 100 years back in time or 10 years into the future?" We have looked at talk tactics and how to take different roles in conversations. We have explored the roles of build, challenge and summarise. 

Being a Metacog!

In Week 1, we have been learning all about 'Being a Metacog.' We have understood the importance of knowing ourselves as learners, our strengths and weaknesses and using this information to set goals and challenge ourselves. We have thought about what learning behaviours might move our learning on and what behaviours might block our learning. We have also spent time unpicking what it means to be challenged. Setting our own mini goals and striving forward to achieve them. Did you know, there is no progress without struggle?
