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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Welcome to 4TM's Class Page

Contact Mr Monks

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PE information:

Please ensure you child comes to school in the appropriate clothing and footwear with a water bottle on these days.

Indoor PE - Monday

Outdoor PE - Wednesday


(Some units mean both sessions are outdoors)

Term 1: Gymnastics and Netball

Term 2: Dance and Hockey

Term 3: Basketball and Football

Term 4: Handball and Tennis

Term 5: Athletics and Cricket

Term 6: Sports Day practice (Combination of skills) and Rounders

Year 4 celebrations

4CW - Harvest (Thursday 10th and Friday 11th October)

4GE - Christmas (Thursday 12th and Friday 13th December)

4TM - Easter 

Term 3

Being Scientists

As part of our new enquiry, the children have been working as scientists to explore Changes of State. The children investigated what impact different types of salt had on the melting points of Ice. Following this, we explored melting and considered how changes are reversible. We melted different types of chocolate to see if there were different speeds. It fascinated the children to see the results and, for some, this matched their predictions.

Being Athletes

In Term 1, we have been exploring Basketball and Football. 

In football, the children have been revising dribbling skills and have started progressing to passing in recent sessions. 


In basketball, the children have been demonstrating their dribbling skills and revising passing. This has been using the chest and bounce pass, building on their work in netball.


The children have been beginning to apply this to small group activities.

Being Technologists

In Computing, the children have been learning to plan and write algorithms for different shapes and letters before debugging them if there have been errors.


There has been a fantastic level of perseverance and the children have been very supportive of each other in order to make their shapes and letters work.

Being Geographers

During the start of Term 3, the children have been working as Geographers. Firstly, exploring rivers the children have identified its key features and considering how people use water.


In identifying rivers, the children have been using atlases to identify key locations and using compass points to identify directions.


The children have been curious to find new places on the maps and identify where the rivers run.

Being Engineers

Working towards our ambition, the children have started to consider how they can work as Engineers. They have considered how to practice using levers, considering the linkages needed to make them.


The children faced many challenges but showed good resilience and showed teamwork to support each other in their practice. These levers will be used in a final design for a moving book to showcase their understanding of the water cycle. These will also be used to explain the water cycle to Year 3 classes.

Term 2

Being Athletes

At the start of Term 2 we have been developing our techniques in Hockey. The children have been dribbling and passing so far, considering their body and stick position when doing so. They have applied these skills with attacking vs defending situations whilst playing a game called 'Hockey Islands'. This activity allowed the children to apply their skills whilst also understanding rules

Being Musicians

In our first music lesson, the children copied rhythms and became conductors too as they set rhythms for their classmates to repeat.


As a class we then explored a new piece of music called 'All about love' considering its meaning and the type of music. Following this we then began practising a new piece of music called 'Looking in the Mirror'.


Inter Faith Day


As part of this day, Year 4 explored how light is significant in Christianity and Judaism. 

An exploration of the text 'Little Glow' took place first to explore how different religions use light before listening to speakers from both of the religions.

Following this, the children then created their own artwork based on the Menorah from Judaism. 

These will be displayed on our RE display board in school.

On 15th November, the children brightened their Friday by dressing up for Children in Need.

We discussed why Children in Need is important and watched a short video explaining the work just one of the charities does as a result of the money raised.


Pudsey then made an appearance as we had a go at colouring our own. 

Importantly we considered how Children In Need linked to the Global Goals, considering how there were many which could be related to the intended outcome to raise as much money as possible.

Children In Need 2024

Ambition - Ancient Greeks

The children concluded their enquiry, 'What impact did the Ancient Greeks have on the Western World?' by debating key elements of their learning with the support of some willing helpers.


The children debated

Olympics vs Democracy

Greatest Thinkers vs Alexander the Great


The children were encouraged to use their oracy skills and debate politely with their peers. Following the debates, there was a blind vote which presented some interesting results...




Which do you think had the biggest impact?

Being Writers

At the end of Term 1 and the beginning of Term 2, the children in 4TM have been working extremely hard on their writing. The children have been working on their factual tours, considering techniques and targets whilst editing sentences independently. It has been really impressive to see the effort the children are making in applying targets and using scientific vocabulary.

Engage - How did the Ancient Greeks influence the Western World?

4TM started their new enquiry about the impact the Ancient Greeks had on the world last week and enjoyed experiencing an element of Greek culture. We firstly discussed how our focus was going to on 'Being a geographer' and 'Being an Historian' before engaging the children by encouraging them to try a range of Greek foods. These are foods they may not have tasted or experienced before and might encourage them to try more of it in the future. There was understandably some mixed reaction to this tasting, some were a massive hit but others were 'ugggghhhhh'. 

Greek tasting

Being musicians

Still image for this video
4TM have continued to be musicians this term and have been practising reading musical notes to perform backing music to a song. Continuing to practise 'Hoedown' children used F and G on the glockensiels.

National Poetry Day - 'Being writers' and 'Being readers'

This week saw the children celebrate National Poetry Day. The children in 4TM were impressed by each year groups teachers sharing a range of different poems in assembly before reading and engaging with a range of different poem types in class. The children enjoyed reading and performing from the text 'Poems Aloud' which contained many different styles of poetry. 

Following this the children focused on the poem 'Say how you feel' and wrote their own verses whilst creating illustrations and pictures to match the emotion of their poetic verse.

In the afternoon, the children used poetry within music by performing a rendition of 'Gran, Can you rap?'.

It was a brilliant effort to learn, practise and perform this in such a short amount of time. It was clearly enjoyed as many of the children were asking for a 'Poetry week'.

Gran, Can you rap?

Still image for this video

'Being Linguists'

4TM have been busy in French during the start of this term. They have been focusing on numbers, days of the week and greetings. There have been some great conversations already. Can you have a conversation in French at home.

Year 4 Term 1 - Learning overview

In our enquiry this term, 4TM have started exploring different parts of the human body and comparing these with wolves. We have been considering how there are similarities and differences thinking about why these differences are important for the species of animal in relation to Global Goal 15 - Life on Land. Firstly, the children explored the digestive system and how food travels once we have eaten to the point where waste needs to leave the body comparing this to the digestive system of animals such as wolves. The children have also been exploring their teeth. We discovered the different types of teeth and their functions whilst identifying the differences to wolves. This is helping the children understand that based on the type of diet an animal might have, can determine the different types of teeth needed.

In PE this term, the children have made a fantastic start in both gymnastics and netball.


In gymnastics the children have practising balances and combining these in a short sequence to music. The children were encouraged to consider how they can transition from one balance to another in time with the music.


Whilst in netball the children have been developing passing using chest, bounce and overhead passes whilst also growing in confidence when catching the ball by ensuring their bodies and hands are in the right positions.
