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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Welcome to our class web page where you can find out about our amazing learning journey. You will find

information about our activities, examples of our work and comments from us! Please visit often to see our learning journey develop.

Contact us!

We have our own 6HT email! If you would like to contact us, please do so with the secure form below- we will be checking it regularly. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Key Information

6HT have indoor P.E. on a Tuesday and outdoor P.E. on a Thursday.

Year 6's entrance and exit points are at the bottom of the Year 4 corridor.


Times table of the week: 5s and 6s

Our Rights Respecting Charter

Year 6 Overview 2021-22

Term 6

We have reached the last and final term of Junior School! Where has that time gone? In Term 6, we will be finishing off showing off our fantastic writing skills, learning about World War 2, covering Science and Jigsaw content as well as preparing for secondary school with transition days and practising and performing the Year 6 production! Stay tuned to see our fantastic work! 

Term 5

With just two weeks of revision before SATs, we have coming back refreshed and raring to go. After SATs (in week 3), we'll start sharing some of our fantastic work with you again.

Term 4

It's term 4 and we are officially over half way of Year 6! Term 4 is revision time; a chance to practise all of our learning so far. We will be revisiting skills in maths, grammar, punctuation and spelling, all in preparation for SATs. Our brand new SATs packs (coming home in week 1) will help us to feel ready. 

All of our hard work and efforts will be rewarded with Year 6 camp in the final week - we can't wait!

Red Nose Day! Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

To celebrate Red Nose Day 2022, we were allowed to come into school in our very own clothes in return for a small donation. We were challenged to dress up in something funny and we certainly achieved the task - we have worn inside out clothes, odd socks and shoes and even underpants on our heads! We participated in a whole school assembly where we found out what our money goes towards and took part in a whole school joke telling competition - well done to Ruby and Olly for telling their hilarious jokes. To round off the Red Nose Day fun, we ran in a Red Nose and Spoon Race!

Red Nose and Spoon Race!

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Performance Poetry! Article 17: Access to Education 

Whilst we are very busy in 6HT at the moment in preparation for SATs, we still value the importance of oracy and the four strands. In our writing session, we focussed on the physical strand of oracy when performing poetry and tongue twisters. We thought carefully about tonal variation, voice projection, gesture, facial expressions and clarity of pronounciation! Check out our performance of The Tyger! by William Blake.

The Tyger by William Blake

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World Book Day! Article 31: Rest, play, Culture, Arts

In Year 6, we have been exploring synonyms and antonyms for the words we have dressed up as. 

A Synonym is a similar word and an antonymn is an opposite word. 

Synoyms for sporty: frisk, play, display, show-off, flaunt.

Antoymns for sporty: Lazy,  sleepy, inactive.

We have also had a great time sharing a range of stories with 4AH. It is so great to just sit and enjoy a good book!


Term 3

In Term 3, Year 6 are going to be investigating the first Sustainable Development Goal of No Poverty. The focus of our learning will be about how Science can be used to give shelter, warmth, light and water. Therefore, our ambition is to produce a homeless kit for someone in the UK or Ethiopia. Alongside this, our writing will be based on the book 'The Garbage King' which tells the story of two boys from diverse economical backgrounds and their adventures in the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. Please check our Enquiry E-Book and class page for updates on our fantastic learning!

Children's Mental Health Week - Article 12: Respect for Children's Views

We have joined schools up and down the country for Children's Mental Health Week. Collaboratively, we have discussed what good and poor mental health is, the importance of sharing how you are feeling and what to do if someone you know is struggling with their mental health. We have also thought about what makes us happy and sad as well as celebrating our achievements by thinking of all the things we have accomplished since birth! In addition, we have set goals for the future and thought carefully about how we can achieve them. 

Chinese Dance Workshops! Article 28: Access to Education 

To celebrate Chinese New Year, we have had a fantastic time taking part in a Chinese dance workshop with the brilliant Olivia where we got to learn some traditional Chinese dances. We also got to use traditional Chinese props to help us with our performances.

Chinese Dance Performance

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Soup Sale! Article 24: Health


We spent our afternoons this week helping to prepare and cook some delicious soup for our sale to raise money for the homeless. We harvested vegetables with Mr Evans in the allotment the week before then chopped them up and cooked our soup this week. We made two delicious flavours, leek and potato and spicy parsnip! Our soup sale was a success as we raised over £100 for Shelter, the UK's leading homeless charity.

Being a mathematician! Article 28: Access to Education


For this term's maths day we enjoyed learning about plants and how maths could help us set up a business plan for selling soup to raise money for Shelter. After discussing how we could make more profit if we grew our own ingredients, we looked at the different prices of plant pots to decide which would be best for growing tomato plants in to make tomato soup. We then calculated what volume of soil we would need per pot to see how much soil in total we would need and thought about what size and cost of the bag we would prefer to maximize our profit. We got busy with the chopping boards and looked at tomatoes to estimate how many seeds might be in different species and which would be best to plant! In the afternoon, we had a great time in the hall with Tom Holloway learning about evolution and inheritance. We used ratio and proportion to compare our tongues to a bat who had evolved to have a tongue 150% of its body length! We then measured with string to see how long our tongues would be if we had the same proportions - it would be quite hard to walk around with a tongue that long sticking out!

Online Safety and Computing - Article 28: Access to Education

Whilst being technologists, we looked at gender stereotypes in online safety and created our very own avatars that either followed or challenged gender stereotypes. We also discussed how damaging gender stereotypes can be and the importance being a changemaker and challenging them. In computing, we built on our previous knowledge of programming a microbit through testing conductivity as an input using selection. We were able to program the microbit using algorithms which made musical notes which we were able to hear through our headphones! We then discussed what would be an electrical conductor and insulator. 

Being an Orator: No Pens Day! Article 13: Freedom of Expression

This term's no pens day we thought about how why oracy is important and when we use it in school. We also reflected on areas where we could improve our own oracy skills such as getting better at eye contact with people when communicating with them and standing tall and proud to project our voices. In maths, we invested converting between measurements for recipes of the soup we are going to make and sell for donations which will go towards Shelter, who support homeless communities. We also investigated the prices and considered how much we will need to ask for in donation to make enough profit to give to shelter. In the afternoon, we discussed whether we thought photography was considered an art form and the impact it can have on the world. 

Being an Athlete: Gymnastics - Article 24: Health, Water, Food, Environment 

In Term 3 indoor PE, we are doing gymnastics with Mr Gill. In our first session, we learnt about points of contact and static positions. We were challenged to make static positions with 3, 4 and even 7 points of contact to the floor. Then, we had to work collaboratively in our teams to create an object such as the Eiffel Tower and a motorbike with our bodies using static positions. Miss Thompson then had to guess what we had made!

Term 2

This term, Year 6 will be continuing our enquiry "How are decisions overturned?" through exploring who makes rules in modern day and what our rights mean. As change-makers, we will consider the issues we would like to change and create a campaign to raise awareness of what we feel passionate about. 


Shining Star Term 2

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Space Maths Day! Article 28: Access to education

Today, we spent the entire day being mathematicians. We explored space (not literally!) and learned about the effects of gravity and were amazed when watching a man fall from space with a parachute. This inspired us to build our very own parachutes and test them out to investigate the force of gravity on a small parachute. You can check out our findings on the powerpoint below!


We also attended a workshop all about maths that can be found in nature (the Golden Spiral) and jobs that rely on maths such as engineers, architects, formula one racing drivers and astronauts!




No Pens Day! Article 13: Freedom of expression


Today we had lots of fun learning through talking rather than writing! Our pens did not see paper or table all day and we learnt lots of new things about including how to write persuasively and how to measure angles. Today also kickstarted our anti bullying week, which we celebrated by wearing odd socks to show that we're all different and unique. We enjoyed the anti-bullying assembly with music, and pledged to do one kind thing to make our last year at St Stephen's enjoyable for everyone.

Term 1

This term, Year 6 will be using their skills as historians to find out about how the Vikings made decisions and settled disputes among their communities. We're going to find out who makes rules in the modern day and what our rights mean, focusing on 'change-makers' who have stood up for their rights. Linking this to our school community, we're going to consider the issues that we would like to change and create a campaign to raise awareness of what we feel passionate about. Alongside this, our writing will be based on the book 'Viking Boy' by Tony Bradman which tells the story of a boy who faces injustice and how he seeks revenge. Please check our page for updates on our fantastic learning! 

Staying Active. - Article 24: Health, water, food and environment.

We have been really enjoying out outdoor P.E lessons this term and making the most of the good weather. We have been building on our teamwork skills whilst playing football. It has made us think about how we communicate to one another in a healthy, supportive way. 

Farmer's Week: Article 27: The right to nutritious food

In week 6, we took part in Farmer's Week. We started by exploring what was meant by 'Farmer's market' and the term, 'Field to Fork'. We used this to help us order the stages of food production - from cow to yogurt; sow to sausage and bee to honey.


Next, we split into groups. One group was led by our resident gardener - Mr Evans. He taught us about how our food waste at St. Stephen's actually helps us to grow new produce which is then cooked by the school kitchen! In the other session, we were joined by visitors from The Travelling Kitchen who taught us how to make pear and cinnamon cake, dough for flatbreads and we prepared vegetables for the dhansak.


At the end of the day we got to taste the things Year 6 had made and share them with our parents and carers. We've had a great week being farmers and look forward to tasting more of our school-grown produce!

National Poetry Day: Article 31 - Rest, play, culture, arts.

What a fantastic day we have had! It started by a visiting poet coming in and amazing us with his poetry. He taught us about action poetry which was great fun. We spent the day learning a poem off by heart to perform later in the day. We used actions to help us and thought carefully about how to use our oracy skills to help with the performance. 

Being an Artist!

Article 31 - Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.


We drew self portraits in our sketchbooks, following step by step instructions. We found that by focusing on one detail at a time helped us with our drawings - the results speak for themselves! Have a look at our creations.


Voting for Voice of the Change Makers - Article 12: The right to give our opinions on issues which affect us


We voted as a class using ballots at a polling station for two class members to represent us at Voice of the Change Makers. These children will speak for us as a class to make sure our views are heard by the adults in the school.

Being an Athlete

Article 31: The right to play


After being locked away for ages, we were finally allowed to play with our wonderful playpod! The PTA had spent ages clearing it out and re-stocking it with new and exciting junk! Playpod helps us to develop our imaginations and release important energy. Have a look at what we've been doing today.
