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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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The school is being asked by the government to share certain information with you and to put different processes and procedures in place.  We are aware that not all of our families use Facebook therefore  we have set up this page to share this information with you.  We will text you if there is information that we urgently need you to read.


In addition, while the majority of children may not be at school, we are still working behind the scenes on planning for the children's return,  updating policies and continuing to develop our new curriculum.  Therefore, please check on this page from time to time for any updates.  We will also share the activities that the children who are in school (due to parent/carers being key workers or they are classed as vulnerable by the government) are up to.

Guidance on notifications through email for Google Classroom 20.01.21

Update for parents on home learning

Safeguarding Statement for COVID - 19 Closure

South Gloucestershire Council Letters - Social Distancing

Letter to Parents re: School in September

Letter to Children re: School in September

We are aware that some children may be anxious about returning to school from 1st June.  Therefore, we have put together a video to show how they will come into school and what classrooms and shared areas will be like.  Please take the time to watch the video with your child.

How to arrive and move around school from 1st June

Letter to Key Workers on re opening

Letter to Yr3-5 Children on re opening

Update for Yr 3-5 Parents on re opening 1st June

Letter to Yr 6 Pupils about re opening

Information to Yr 6 Parents on re opening

Initial information on SSJ's plan for re-opening

School Closure Update 11th May

Please find below two really useful links.  Firstly, South Gloucestershire have put together a really useful page with links to different information such as supporting children with anxiety,  a book about Coronavirus for children and the South Glos. Sleep Toolkit.  The second link takes you to a Children's Guide to Coronavirus which has been produced by the Children's Commissioner to help children understand the virus and it's impact.


Please click on the links below:

Singing with Nigel 

Wednesday's at school always includes Nigel leading singing assembly. The children love to see him and he has taught them to sing beautifully; we are sure that the children will be missing him. So now is the time to get your vocal cords ready. We are pleased to say that Nigel has been working with the Greenshaw Trust to produce weekly singing assemblies. Please click on the link below and join your children for a singalong with him. We will continue to post these every Wednesday for you to share at home.

Singspiration with Nigel Ipinson-Fleming - Greenshaw Learning Trust- Episode 1

Free School Meals

We are aware that with people being furloughed and possibly losing their jobs, families are facing new financial hardship. As a result, you maybe entitled to Free School Meals for your children. If you are not aware, the government have set up a food voucher scheme (£15 per week per child) that you are eligible to while schools are closed.

Please have a look at the government link below to see if you are eligible and , if you are, apply through the following link:

Reading Books

It is really important that your children are having access to reading materials everyday.  If your children are struggling for something new to read, get them to click on the link below which will take them to different recommended sights which have story books to read.  It is also great for children to listen to stories too,especially to text which they find difficult to read themselves.  The link to audio books will take you to some great books by renowned authors.



Online Safety

It is so important with your children being at home and possibly having greater access to the internet and social media, that they keep themselves safe.  It support you at home with this, Mr Stinchcombe  has produced videos on Youtube which provide information regarding issues such as Fake News and Location.  Please take the time to have a look at these with your children.

Learning at Home

Education Otherwise is a charitable organisation which has been supporting home educated families for over 30 years.  They have produced the document below to help families with the new role they find themselves in as home educators.  Hopefully this will help if you are struggling to engage your children with the work we have set.  There are also links to E-Learning Support for SEND children and Well-being attached to the document regarding bereavement.



Supporting a child with Bereavement

We are all crossing our fingers and hoping that our families come through this unprecedented time unscathed.   However, sadly, this may not be the case for us all..  As adults, such an event will be hard for us to comprehend but understandably, it will be even more difficult for our children.  In light of this, the Local Authority have put together a list of organisations that will be able to support you and your children should you need it.

Bereavement, E-Learning SEND and Well Being

Week Two

This week in school we have enjoyed getting outside and making the most of slightly warmer temperatures. Mr Evans taught us how to plant potatoes and the Forest School leaders were in teaching us about the best wood to make fires. Later in the week we made models out of junk to go with our writing about famous Bristol landmarks. We've missed all of our friends however and hope to see you very soon!

Decorate an Egg Competition

Usually at this time of year we would have our Decorate an Egg competition. And while things are different at the moment, we see no reason not to still have it. Therefore, we need everyone at home to get 'cracking' on their 'eggcellent' designs ready to enter next week. We will have the same categories as last year - individual and family. If you do not use Facebook,  please post a photo of your 'eggtry' to your class email, stating which category it is in, next Wednesday morning. The winner will be revealed at 3.00pm in the afternoon. How 'eggciting'!
