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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Welcome to our class webpage where you can find out about our amazing learning journey. You will find information about our activities, examples of our work and comments from us! Please visit often to see our learning journey develop.

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We have our own 4KP email! If you wish to contact us, please do so with the secure form below - we will be checking it regularly. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Key information:

4KP will have outdoor PE on Tuesday and indoor PE on Thursday. Please ensure your child comes into school in the correct kit.

Words of the week:  physicist, elements and radiation. 

Times Table of the week: 3s + 11s!

Our Rights Respecting Class Charter

Term 4

Enquiry Overview: How do we save electricity?
This term, our focus is the Sustainable Development Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy alongside Article  we are going to be investigating ways to help save electricity. Firstly, we will begin by looking at what sorts of things run on electricity and whether we need these items or not. After this, we will begin to identify 'hidden electricity' this is where components are left switched on yet we never use/rarely use them.
Alongside this, we will be using the book 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Paulman. We are really looking forward to this term so we can find ways to help look after our planet by using electricity efficiently and effectively. 

Science - Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

This week has been British Science Week. To celebrate this on Tuesday, we had a visit from Mad Mark who showed us lots of different science experiments. One of the fantastic things we learned was that nail polish remover could stretch a polystyrene cup. As well as this, he showed us lots of different experiments that were linked to the climate as he knew this was something we were passionate about. He even managed to get Bob - the balloon - into his house using fire - although it made him stuck in there forever. Everyone had the chance to be involved and we all had lots of fun. Take a look at the pictures below to see more of what we did. 

World Book Day - Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

We really enjoyed World Book Day as it was great to see everyone dressed up in their costumes as their favourite book characters. It was quite hard for Miss Porter to figure out who everyone was. We started the day with a bit of book speed-dating, where we shared our favourite books with everyone to try and persuade them to read it as well. We also went and shared a book with another in 6KA and we even got to eat a biscuit!

To end the day, each class learned and performed a poem in assembly. 4KP used the poem 'The Magic Box' from Kit Wright which inspired us to create our own version. Each of us had our own line that we rehearsed and created a work of art to show what we would put into our magic box.

WOW! Article 27:You have the right to food, clothing, a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met...

We had a wonderful start to our Year 4 enquiry with our WOW. We had 3 different activities. The first activity we became explorers and went on a fact-finding mission around the school to find out about different forms of electricity. The second activity we became investigators. Our teacher put wires, bulbs and batteries on our tables and we were told to explore. We managed to light the bulb and added more batteries to make the bulb brighter. For our last activity, we became researchers so we created a presentation informing people how to stay safe when using electricity. We really enjoyed our WOW and can't wait to keep learning about electricity.

Term 3

"What would happen if humans only ate one type of food?"


Article 24: 

You have a right to the best health possible, food, clean water and medicine to keep you healthy. You have a right to information that will help you to stay well.

Enquiry Overview: "What would happen if humans only ate one type of food?"

This term, we will  continue to learn about the Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on Goal 2- Zero Hunger. As a planet, it is our aim to achieve zero hunger by 2030. We couldn't believe how many people don't have enough food to help them survive, even in this country! To help with our learning and understanding, we are going to learn about balanced diets, what we need as humans to make sure we are healthy, food choices people make such as being a vegan or vegetarian, why people don't have equal access to food and how much food is wasted around the world. At the end of our enquiry, we hope to have a better understanding of our diets and to make sure we don't waste food.

Our text this term is 'Under the Hawthorn Tree' by Marita Conlon-McKenna. This book is about the struggle during the Irish Potatoe Famine and the daily struggles to find something to  eat. This has really brought it to life with our enquiry 'Zero Hunger'. 

Computing - Article 8: You have the right to an identity...Article 16 You have the right to privacy.

On Tuesday 11th February it was Safer Internet Day. We spent the day learning about our identity and how our identities can reveal quite a lot about us. We spoke about the importance of keeping ourselves safe online and making sure we speak to our parents if we are ever worried about something. As one of the activities, we filled in a spin wheel with details about how we use the internet. From the information given, we had to work out which spin wheel belonged to which person. It really showed how good we are at hiding our identity online after last term's lesson on private and personal information. 

Class Assembly - Article 13: You have a right to find out things...

This week, we had our class assembly. We were so excited to show our parents what we had learned so far in term 3. We set up 5 stations: Teeth, Malnutrition, Digestive System, Food Chains and Healthy Eating. We used what we knew already to make each of stations informative and interactive. Through the use of effective team work and communication skills we were able to creative fantastic stations. We were given full control over what we did and it was great to be able to use our own ideas and work together to adapt and problem solve with our team.  It was so much fun and really hope our parents loved it as well. 

Mental Health Week - Article 27: You have the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet your physical, social and mental needs.

This week, we have been focused on mental health and what it means to be brave. We have had a range of activities each day which made us think about how to be brave and what helps us be brave. We also brought in things to share with our classmates and explained how it supported us through more challenging times and how it represents bravery.

Science - Article 28: You have the right to a quality education

This term in science, we have been looking at the digestive system. In doing this, we looked at teeth and the importance they have. We discussed the different type of teeth we have and why each one is shaped the way it is and the function they all have. With this, we discussed how it is important that we look after our teeth. Using eggs, as they have the same make up as the enamel on our teeth, we experimented to see which drink would cause the most damage. We placed an egg in lemonade with zero sugar, orange juice, coke and water. Have a look at the pictures below to see the outcomes. We were all very shocked at the results. 

PE - Article 24: You have the right to the best health care possible...and information to help you stay well.
 This term in PE, we are fortunate enough to have Bristol Sport teach us football. To begin, we played a game of stuck in the mud with a twist... we had to use the football to get ourselves unstuck. This was followed by game where we had to shadow our partners, whilst they dribbled the ball away from us. Eventually, we were able to catch them and kick the ball out of play to allow for everyone to have a chance. We can't wait to see what else we get up to this term!

Playpod - Article 31: You have the right to play and rest.

At our school, we are extremely lucky as we have a Playpod. It's a containers full of unwanted things like wheely chairs, push-chairs, suitcases, skateboards, scooters and bikes. We had so much fun playing with our friends and creating new games with the amazing equipment. We can't wait to start using it more regularly! 

WOW! - Article 24: You have the right to clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that you can stay healthy. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.

To start our new enquiry, we began by discussing what it meant by 'Zero Hunger'. We thought about places all over the world where hunger is a huge problem and the more we thought about it, the more we began to realise it's a problem in all countries. We were shocked to find out that there are children in our country who don't have enough to buy food and this was something for us that hit us quite hard. We discussed the idea of food banks and why these are so important to those who don't have enough money. As well as this, we looked at the difference between hungry and starving, so that we really understood that when we are feeling hungry, we aren't starving!


In the afternoon, we then created our own adverts to raise awareness for people who don't have enough money and to try and persuade people to donate money or food to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Take a look at some of the adverts we created. 

Suraya and Imogen

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Sam, Rocco and Rylee

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Sangden and Bobby

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Term 2

"How can one person make a difference?"


Article 24: 

You have a right to the best health possible, food, clean water and medicine to keep you healthy. You have a right to information that will help you to stay well.

Enquiry Overview: "How can one person make a difference?"

This term, we will learning about the Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on Goal 13- Climate Action. We will be focusing on people who carry out peaceful protests, how individuals make a difference and how we as individuals can make a difference. We are also going to explore a different range of artists, mainly Banksy, who create messages in their artwork. As our challenge, we are going to create our own artwork creating a message behind what we make.

Class Assembly

We had so much fun on Monday, inviting the parents in to have a look at what we have been doing this term.

After creating our own pieces of graffiti to represent a message on how one person can make a difference, we set the classroom up like an art gallery, so that the parents and carers could come along and see our art and hear the message behind the picture.

Thank you to everyone who came and shared our learning with us, we had lots of fun!


In order to answer our enquiry question 'How can one person make a difference?', we looked at a range of people who have! Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai and Paul Stephenson all took on an issue by themselves to change the world. We also looked at the street artist Banksy, to see how a message can be represented through art. 

Using all of this knowledge, we created our own pieces of graffiti. 

Debate - is graffiti right or wrong?

After learning more about graffiti, we made a list of for and against graffiti to help us form an opinion of whether it is right or wrong. We made sure we were building on or challenging other's ideas using our oracy skills to debate our points of view. 

Jigsaw - understanding bullying

As our value this term is 'Friendship' we have been using our Jigsaw lessons to look at bullying and how this can effect people in different ways. We watched a short clip about a girl being bullied, discussed what bullying is and what it looks like. We put ourselves in the position of the victim and thought about how it would make us feel if we were in that situation. We also looked at it from a different perspective and it would feel like to be a witness of bullying and what we would do to stop it happening.


(Article 24 - the right to the best health care possible...and information to help you stay well)

This term, we are learning how to play netball. We have learnt many new skills; chest passing, bounce passing and pivoting. We have been focussing on our hand positions, feet and how we distribute weight when we pass.We have been practising intercepting too by playing piggy in the middle, where we made sure to stay a metre away from our opponent! We have been giving our friends feedback on how to improve our throws and making sure we are supporting each other to be the best we can be. This has really helped our teamwork skills when working together to beat the other team. We have really enjoyed learning and enhancing our netball skills. 


We have had so much fun today! This term we are looking at the Global Goal: Climate Action. This is all about educating people about saving our planet from global warming, making sure we are breathing clean air and helping our wildlife. To start our wow, we looked at protests and discussed why people protest. Then we read about people such as Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, Karim Wasfi and Paul Stephenson. We spoke about the protests they held and why they felt the need to protest. We then looked at the word 'peaceful' and what we felt this word meant. We put peaceful and protest together and decided the people we looked at carry out peaceful protests.


To enhance our understanding about protests, we were then given time to design our own protest posters. In the afternoon, we painted them. We have all done such different and amazing designs. What a way to start our new enquiry!! 

Term 1

Enquiry overview:


Today, we spent the day showing off our computing skills by creating Google Slides about Greta Thunberg. We researched information about her and her life, what she is doing for the planet and the impact she is having on how people see the issue of climate change. We worked together to come up with questions we wanted to answer then used a range of different websites to find accurate information to present. 

Class assembly

We really enjoyed having the parents come into our classroom to share all the learning we have been doing this term. We showed off our Oracy skills by sharing the story of Drippy the raindrop to help explain how the water cycle works. As well as this, we spend time showing our parents all the fabulous work we have been doing, including sharing our words of the week and our very own drippy stories. 


Thank you to all of the parents who came to visit. We loved having you and can't wait for the next one! 


In order to complete our enquiry question of 'Why does it snow?', we used the computers to find out what happened during the water cycle to cause it to fall from the sky in different ways. We used our sequencing and summarising skills to determine which facts we thought were the most important. Once this was done, we worked collaboratively to present our findings. 


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Synagogue Visit

Today we were lucky enough to visit our local synagogue in Easton. . We listened really well to everything that Iris said ad returned to school with so many new facts about the Jewish community and the key features of a synagogue. It was amazing to see a 200 year old Torah (Jewish holy book) in real life and we were so impressed that it was written by hand and took a year to write! This one was special because it was 1 of 1500 that was found in Czech Republic, having survived WW2 and made it to the UK. Thank you to Iris for such a great morning!


We have been fortunate enough in Year 4 this term to have Mr Davies come along and help us learn how to play the ukulele. Over the past few weeks, we have had lots of fun learning different cords and frets on the ukuleles. 

We have learned a variety of songs, including lime in the coconut which we all thought was very funny. 

Keep your eyes peeled for new songs as the term goes on...


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This week, we have been learning about States of Matter. We learned that there are three types of matter: solids, liquids and gases. To start off our new learning, we were shown lots of different pictures of 'things'. We discussed what they were and how we could tell the difference between them. Using this, we had to sort them into the the three states of matter. Some of us found this tricky to begin with but we persevered and found that with the help of our talk partners. After, we discussed the science behind the states of matter and why they were different. We found out that they have different structures in their particles. As an activity to make sure we understood what the particles were like, we worked in groups to represent the different matters. 


We kick started our enquiry by making snow! It was so much fun! We enjoyed watching it expand over and over as we added the water slowly. After touching it, we created a bank of adjectives and verbs to describe snow to support our writing later.

We each attempted to make a snowball with our hands, but it was far too fluffy for that!

 Collaborative Learning

We have been learning about what a 'Purple Learner' is, with a focus on how to work in a group successfully. We considered what it looks like, feels like and sounds like when we work collaboratively. We understand we need to take turns, be polite, motivate and support one another. 


We kick started our enquiry by making snow! It was great fun! We couldn't believe how it expanded to make so much when we added a few drop of water. After touching it, we created a bank of adjectives and verbs to describe snow to support our writing later.

We went outside and played with it while the sun shone which was a strange feeling! Who would have thought it could snow in summer?
