All parents want their children to do well at school.
To make the most of school, children have to be there.
Our expectation is that students arrive on time and attend regularly - that is every day the school is open unless there is an unavoidable reason for not doing so.
Your child arrives between 8.20 and 8.30 each morning.
Your child comes to school every day.
● Leave of absence - for bereavement, funeral
● Medical absence for appointments – at Hospital or Orthodontic appointments. (Nonurgent routine check-up appointments should be made for after school hours or during the school holidays.) Students are expected to be absent for the minimal amount of time and not absent for the whole day.
● Illness
● Religious observance
● If a student is excluded from school for a behaviour related incident, this is an authorised absence.
● Absence due to birthday, shopping for uniform, looking after family members.
● Holiday in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances agreed to by the Head teacher – in line with changes to the law implemented in 2013.
● Late arrival to school after the register has closed has to be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
All pupils are expected to be in school for registration at the start of the day. Playground gates are closed promptly at 8.35 a.m. All children arriving after this time enter through the front door and sign in late at the office.
Parents are strongly encouraged to take family holidays during the school holidays. We feel that attendance at school is vital if your child is to be as successful as we would all like. No holidays will be authorised during term time. Any holidays taken will be recorded as unauthorised on a child’s attendance register. Any requests for absence due to special circumstances on medical, religious or compassionate nature should be made in writing to the Headteacher.
The school will inform the local authority if any child has 10 or more unauthorised sessions within 10 school weeks, which may result in a penalty notice. This is a fixed penalty of £80 for each parent/carer per child. (If paid within 21 days, rising to £160 thereafter)
If you need further information regarding attendance please look at our attendance policy it is also available from the school office.