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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Celebrating other faiths

As a church school, the main focus of our collective worship is Christianity.  However, we also reflect on and celebrate festivals from other faiths and cultures.  This is to help us understand the multi - faith society that we live in.  

Celebrating Other Faiths

Rosh Hasanah

Rosh Hasanha is a Jewish festival which is celebrated in September.  It marks the start of the Jewish new year.  At is a time of celebration but also a time for people to reflect on the past year and to make amends for anything they may have done wrong.  As part of the celebration apple, honey and pomegranate are eaten to represent the good and sweet things that hopefully will come during the year to come.


Class 5ST lead our celebration of Purim, a Jewish festival.  They shared lots of interesting information including the customs and traditions of the festival, their noisemakers (which we even used during a reading of The Story of Esther) and even sang a Purim song in Hebrew! 



Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr

5CG lead our celebration of Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr which are Islamic festivals.  5CG explained that  Ramadan is a time when Muslim people must not eat food or drink during daylight hours  for one month.  they believe that fasting teaches self-control, encourages a focus on prayer and allows Muslims to devote their attention to worship, and get closer to Allah. We then found out that Ramadan is followed by   Eid-ul-Fitr. which means 'Festival of breaking the fast'. This is a time for special food and prayers.  It is also a time when Muslims say a special welcome 'Eid Mubarak!'.