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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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Welcome to our class web page where you can find out about our amazing learning journey. You will find

information about our activities, examples of our work and comments from us! Please visit often to see our learning journey develop.

Contact Us

We have our own 6CW email! If you would like to contact us, please do so with the secure form below- we will be checking it regularly. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Key Information

5CW have indoor P.E. on a Tuesday and outdoor P.E. on a Thursday.

Year 5's entrance and exit points are near recpetion. Please line up outside of reception near the hedge. 


Times table of the week: 7s.

5CW's Right's Respecting Class Charter

Term 6

Techniquest trip! - Article 4 Access to Education.

Yesterday, Year 5 had a wonderful time exploring Techniquest in Cardiff Bay. We loved trying out the different scientific experiments and learning how to balance equipment, unlock magical doors, survive earthquakes, launch balls, burn off calories and speak sign language!

Term 5


Now that we have finished our enquiry which explored why some children can't go to school, we are now ready to begin our next exciting enquiry, 'What makes Earth, Earth?'. Throughout this enquiry, we will be exploring the Solar System and the planets that make this up, we will be learning about day and night, human and physical characteristics of countries and how these relate to where people decide to settle. As well as this, we will be exploring the artist Kathe Kollwitz and using her style of line drawing to help us replicate what Earth looks like from Space. Alongside this enquiry, we will be exploring Global Goal 11 which looks at sustainable cities and communities. As well as this, our class book, 'Phoenix by SF Said' will be used as inspiration in some of our writing tasks. Please check our website regularly for updates.

Enquiry Overview: What makes Earth, Earth?

PE! - Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

For our last PE lesson Year 5 took part in an interhouse competition. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves playing cricket with Attenborough and McEwan taking joint first. 

Term 4

To begin Term 4, Year 5 will be continuing to investigate the Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality. The focus of our learning will answer the question "why are so many children prevented from going to school?" We will be working towards our ambition which is to create a song or rap about the hardships faced in countries which result in less opportunities for quality education. Alongside this enquiry, our writing will continue to be based on the book 'The boy at the back of the class' which tells the story of a young refugee coming to a new country to learn, make friends and to build a new life. Please check our Enquiry E-Book and class page for updates on our fantastic learning!

World Book Day! Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

Today we ccelebrated  25 years of World Book Day! In 5CW, we have explored synonyms and antonyms for the words we have dressed up as. We also explored artwork that expressed words and had a go at drawing an image to represent our words. In the afternoon, we ventured down to 3HN and enjoyed sharing and listening to different stories. Then, we gathered in the hall and listened to each teacher read an extract from a book, chose which one we wanted to listen more of and listened to some more back in the teacher's classroom. 

Term 3

In Term 3, Year 5 are going to be investigating the Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality. The focus of our learning will focus on the question "why are so many children prevented from going to school?" Our ambition for this term, will be to create a song or rap about the hardships faced in countries which result in less opportunities for quality education. Alongside this enquiry, our writing will be based on the book 'The boy at the back of the class' which tells the story of a young refugee coming to a new country to learn, make friends and to build a new life. Please check our Enquiry E-Book and class page for updates on our fantastic learning!

 Being artists - Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

We have been inspired by the artist Chris Ofili to create some amazing pieces of artwork on famous change makers. We have used multi media to collage these eye catching album covers to go with their raps.

 Being artists - Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts


Today we have been exploring collage to see which techniques we liked the best.  We explored using mixed media which was somewhat messy but lots of fun.  I think you can see from these photos that we are very creative and love exploring!

PE! - Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

Today we pulled all of our knowledge together from gymnastics and created a floor routine. We needed to make sure we included certain movements and balances - can you guess what they are? Here is one of our class' routines! 

Gym Routine

Mental Health Week - Article 24 - Health, Water, Food and Environment 

This week is Mental Health Week. In 5CW, we spent time reflecting and thinking about ways in which we can support and develop a healthy mind. We completed different activities throughout the week which enabled us to deleop skills to support a positive mental health. We set ourselves emotional goals and thought about how we can achieve them. 



Chinese Dance Workshop- Goal 4 Quality education


Today, we had a fantastic time taking part in a Chinese dance workshop where we got got to learn some traditional Chinese dances. We also had the chance to use traditional Chinese props to help us with our performances. We had a great time and we hope you enjoy the video of our final performance.



Still image for this video

Global goal 4 - quality education. 

Today was ALL FUN AND GAMES.  We have been exploring respect and relationships online.  We had lots of great discussions, answered fun quizzes and investigated our favourite games. 

Internet Safety

Maths Day!- Global Goal 4- Quality Education


Today, we have had a fantastic time learning all about how maths is linked to animals and plants. We have worked alongside Tom Holloway, a maths and science expert, and we have designed a scaled version of a zoo. We thought carefully about the size of the animal containers, the times and amounts of feed needed, cost of staffing and food and the profit that we would like to make. We have really enjoyed using our maths skills to help us create our zoo ideas!


Still image for this video
We loved using this day to help us practice for our Ambition of writing a rap!

Article 28 Access to education.  Being athletes. 


Who would have thought holding static positions could be so much fun.  Sporting chance helped us master the skill of mirroring and holding shapes by playing lots of fun games.  Some of our photos are of nouns - can you guess any? 

Term 2

In Term 2, we will be continuing with our enquiry 'What does ethics have to do with clothes?'. As change makers,  we will work towards creating speeches to raise awareness about fast fashion and child labour as well as educating our audience about how we can shop sustainably. 

Shining Star 


Still image for this video

PE! - Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

This we have pulling all our knowledge together from our previous PE lessons and having a mini inter-house competition. 

Christmas in a Box! - Article 14: Freedom of Thought and Religion

In Week 7, we were very lucky to have Rev. Lisa visit us. We explored and learned about Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the three wise men and their involvement in the birth of Jesus and the Christmas story. 



6CW love love love reading!

Being a technician.


Today we became programmers and enjoyed designing, debugging and writing programmes to accomplish specific goals.  We controlled physical systems with skill, solved problems with our purple powers and sequenced accurately.  

Being artists.


Today we explored printing and had fun practising how to make prints.  We discussed difficulties and evaluated what we needed to do differently to help us succeed when we make our final product.  

Space Maths Day! Article 28: Access to Education



Today we had an incredible day being amthematicians on our whole school matths day! We explored space and learned about 3D shapes and nets. We used this knowledge to create our very own rocekts. After this, we became scientists and invatigated how far our rockets would fly. Take a look at our learning!


No Pens Monday and Odd Socks Day! Article 12: Sharing thoughts freely


Today, we had a fantastic time working on our oracy skills as part of no pens day. We thought about how we use oracy in every day life. We then used our oracy skills to make predictions based on our new class book. As well as this, we designed our of figures using cubes and explained these designs to our classmates. We then learnt the Odd Socks song and performed these with our very own odd sock puppets!

Term 1

This term, Year 5 will be using their skills as historians to learn all about life as a Victorian. We will be linking this knowledge with our writing which will be based around the book 'Street Child', a true story from the Victorian period. We will also be using our skills as geographers to find out more about slavery and fast fashion and using this new knowledge to create speeches that will raise awareness of child labour and the importance of fair trade. Keep an eye out on our class page to see all of our fantastic learning! 

Year 5 Curriculum Map 2021-22


We were lucky enough to be visited by Munerra Pilgrim - a professional speaker who often performs on Radio one and speaks on pause for thought.  She helped inspire us to write our own speeches to raise awareness of child labour, fair trade and fast fashion.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Being authors. 

We loved today's outdoor learning which really helped us remember and perfect all the rules of our complex sentences.  Mrs Williams hid a number of main clauses and subordinate clauses around our school grounds.  We then had to run around to find a good match and record on our whiteboards.  

Farmer's Week

Article 27: The right to nutritious food

In week 6, we took part in Farmer's Week. We started by exploring what was meant by 'Farmer's market' and the term, 'Field to Fork'. We used this to help us order the stages of food production - from cow to yogurt; sow to sausage and bee to honey.


Next, we split into groups. One group was led by our resident gardener - Mr Evans in the allotment distributing and raking compost and planting seeds. In the other session, we were joined by visitors from The Travelling Kitchen who taught us how to make some beetroot rosti and a bean chilli 


At the end of the day we got to taste the things Year 5 had made and share them with our parents and carers. We've had a great week being farmers and look forward to tasting more of our school-grown produce!

School Library Visit! For the Love of Reading - Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

Another area of the school which has been locked away, has been the library. Today we got to spend some much appreciated time in the library where we could enjoy and explore the amazing books we have at SSJS! 

Playpod! - Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

Because of COVID, our beloved playpod equipment has been locked away for ages. Thursday we were finally allowed to play with it! The PTA had spent ages clearing it out and re-stocking it with new and exciting junk! The playpod helps us to develop our imaginations and release important energy during lunch times. Have a look at what we've been doing today.

PE! - Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

This week we have been working with the sports coaches perfecting our football skills and learning how important it is to be a good sport. 
