Welcome to our class web page where you can find out about our amazing learning journey. You will find
information about our activities, examples of our work and comments from us! Please visit often to see our learning journey develop.
We have our own 3KP email! If you would like to contact us, please do so with the secure form below- we will be checking it regularly.
Key information:
3KP have outdoor PE on a Tuesday and indoor PE on a Thursday.
3KP's entrance and exit point is the main gate next to the car park.
Please wait on the playground area outside of the Year 3 classrooms.
Term 6
This term, we are being Scientists and Historians. To start off the term, we will be answering the enquiry question- ' How are shadows formed?' We will be looking at how light works and investigating shadows. As well as this, we will be exploring the Ancient Egyptians in order to answer the question- 'What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?' Our class book will be Egyptian Cinderella, which will help us to immerse us into the Ancient Egyptians.
Being an athlete - Outdoor Adventures and Activities
To begin our OAA PE lessons, we focused on team work. We know teamwork is extremely important in our every day lives. We were given the task to create letters using our bodies. Our classmates then had to guess which letters we had made.
Then we were challenged to work with another group to create word using our bodies. We had so much fun and didn't realise how bendy some of our class mates are!
Being a muscian
We kicked off our music learning with a fun warm up to get us in the rhythm by doing fun exercises. Then, we learnt a song called 'The sunshine song', we sang it in two parts and learnt the verses and the chorus. After that, we got the glockenspiels out and we practiced playing along with the song using the musical notes- C,D,E,F.
Term 5
This term, we are continuing our enquiry of- 'Can food alone keep us healthy?' by looking at the effect of art and mindfulness on mental health. We will be studying the work of Frida Kahlo and completing our own photography self portraits. In Writing, we are enjoying our class book- Krindlekrax and we are excited to write our own narratives with our own beast lurking in the sewers!
Being a... scientist!
Today we started our new enquiry 'How are shadows formed?'. We did an investigation where we used a torch and paper to test objects to see how well they reflected light. As well as this, we learned about light sources. Did you know, that the sun shines onto the moon, which reflects onto the earth? This means that the moon is not a source of light! We also looked at how darkness is the absence of light.
Being an Athlete - cricket
This term in PE, we have been learning how to play cricket. To start, we first looked at different throwing and catching techniques. Next, we looked at batting techniques and how to hold the bat correctly. After a few sessions of combining the batting, throwing and catching skills together, we play games against one another. We had so much fun!
To show off all of our learning and to answer our enquiry question 'Can food keep us healthy on its own?', we split ourselves into three different groups: food, exercise and mindfulness. In each group, we made a workshop to share with the year 5s so they could see how to live a healthy life.
Being an artist...
Today we've been drawing our special items that we brought in from home. These items were used to tell a story about who we are. Before we could do an observational drawing of our special item, we needed to learn some sketching skills. We did some hatching, cross-hatching and stippling and dashes around the page to help us with our sketching.
After this, we used our photography skills to take pictures with our special items and edit them. Keep your eyes peeled next week for some of our final pieces.
This term, we have been testing out our athletic abilities. This week, we have been looking at relay races and how to pass the baton in a quick and successful way.
Coronation Day
This Friday, we have been celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III.
We started out the day by creating some bunting for the dinner hall, decorated with many different patterns that were red, white and blue. After this, we spent the rest of the morning creating crowns to wear to our picnic. We then spend the afternoon drawing portraites of King Charles III.
Term 4
We are kicking off this term by beginning our enquiry to answer the question `Can food on its own keep us healthy?` which links to Global Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. We cannot wait to learn more about our skeletons, the food groups and the inspirational Frida Kahlo and how this keeps our bodies and minds healthy. Alongside this, we are continuing to explore writing features such as; expanded noun phrases and adverbs using `George's Marvellous Medicine` by Roald Dahl as our key text. We will also be cooking up a storm and preparing a healthy meal using instructions we have written! Please check our page for updates on our fantastic learning!
Knowledge organisers:
Scooter training
We ended the term with some scooter training on how to use our scooters safely. After a theory lesson where we watched a video on safety tips, we took part in a practical session where we used our brakes, practiced our turns and scooted whilst watching out for distractions and obstacles around us. It was great fun!
Rock Steady Concert!
We enjoyed yet another Rock Steady concert and it was by far the best one yet! Well done to all of the performers!
Being an engineer...
For this term's no pens day, we swapped the pens and pencils for knifes and graters to help us develop our cooking skills. We watched videos that explained to us exactly how we needed to chop, slice, grate and peel safely. After, we practiced these skills without equipment to make sure we were able to hold the knifes correctly. Once we knew the correct holds, we had a go at using these skills to chop peppers, slice cucumber and grate/peel carrots. To top it off, we got an healthy snack at the end of it!
Being a... reader!
Wow! What a fantastic day we had celebrating World Book Day. We have never been more comfortable in the classroom with our PJs and slippers on and being surrounded with blankets, pillows and teddies. We had a great time looking through everyone's favourite books and creating our own stories and comic books. This was topped off with a brilliant afternoon building dens and inviting our parents in to share this with us.
Being healthy
To start our new enquiry we took part in a carousel of three different activities all linked to being healthy in different ways. With Miss Hopkins, we got to try a variety of different fruits and we voted as a class which one was our favourite. It was really difficult, as they were all so tasty! In 3KP with Miss Porter, we took part in some aerobics and dancing- we needed lots of water after that hard work! Then, with Miss Nicholas we focused on the importance of mindfulness for healthy minds so we stopped talking, listened to some relaxing music and did some mindful colouring.
Term 3
We are kicking off this term by being scientists to answer the question 'What is a force?' . After that, we will begin our enquiry to answer the question `Can food on its own keep us healthy?` which links to Global Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. We cannot wait to learn more about our skeletons, the food groups and the inspirational Frida Kahlo. Alongside this, we are exploring writing features such as; expanded noun phrases and adverbs using `George's Marvellous Medicine` by Roald Dahl as our key text. Please check our page for updates on our fantastic learning!
No Pens Day!
Today, during no pens day, we focused on how to work well as a team! As well as using our Oracy skills to communicate well with each other, we were also very good Metacogs as we worked well together to be successful in our learning. As a team, we built a bridge that had to hold a pencil. We were given 3 pieces of paper and 6 pieces of tape, as well as roles to make the team successful. After that, we played a game where we had to communicate without using our voices to match the numbers to each other.
George's Marvellous Medicine!
Today, we started reading our new class book George's Marvellous Medicine. We wanted to create mischief in Year 3 so we created some of our own magic medicine. With some Glitter here and Baked Beans there we created the perfect recipe to transform someone's life just like how George wanted to make Grandma better.
Being writers!
Today, the first of our pen licences were handed out in Year 3. This fantastic writers have been working really hard on their handwriting and presentation. They will now be writing in pen as much as possible. Well done everyone!
Being an artist!
What a great start to term! In order to finish our enquiry into 'What is the difference between the Stone Age and the Iron Age?', we used our skills through being artists to create our own cave paintings! To make it as realistic as possible, we turned our tables onto the sides to give us the effect of having cave walls to decorate. Although we wanted to use lots of different colours, we realised that in the Stone Age, they wouldn't have had access to this so we kept it as close as possible by only using red, black and white. It was so much fun but we did get very messy, especially when Miss Porter turned the lights out to give us a real cave experience!
Term 2
In Term 2, we are continuing to delve deeper with our enquiry, 'What is the difference between the Stone Age and the Iron Age?'. Children will continue to learn all about life in the stone age including having a go at some cave painting style art. As we continue to learn our new Year 3 writing targets, we will be starting our new book, 'Ug: Boy Genius of the Stone Age' and we will be writing a non-chronological report answering our enquiry question.
PE challenge
This term, we had a chance to show off our PE skills in a school-wide challenge that had us dribbling a ball up and down. We had lots of fun practicing before giving it a good go to win points for our house. At the end of the day, once everyone had had a go, the winning house was announced. Well done to Lowinger!
This week, we have been looking at celebrating our differences and talking all about what makes us unique and special. From this, we were entertained by a member of our class playing the piano and we all sang along to the song. How amazing!
Miss Porter tried her hardest catch the moment on film, but her finger got in the way. Sorry!
Term 1
Year 3 are kick starting the year with an incredible enquiry into the lives of people living in the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will be using the books 'The Stone Age Boy' and 'Ug, the boy genius' to help us introduce targets into our writing to make it engaging for our readers.
In order to answer our enquiry question of 'What is the difference between the Stone Age and the Iron Age?', we will be explore what life was like for people living throughout these years to compare what was the same and what changed.
Keep checking out our webpage to see all of our fabulous work and find our the answer to our enquiry question!
Being an Athlete
Today, we have put our agility, balance and coordination to the test in some athletics challenges. We took part in a variety of activities and all persevered, even though some looked too tough to begin with! We are now looking forward to getting our results back and using these to be Metacogs and evaluate and improve our skills.
Voting for our 'Voice of the Change Makers'
After our candidates bravely stood up in front of the class and gave some impressive speeches, we made our way into the hall to vote for our favourite girl and boy candidate to be a 'Voice of the Change Maker'. This role is a very important one as the selected candidates will voice their and their peers' opinions on important school matters. It was a really tricky decision for us as there were so many brilliant candidates but a massive well done to Hadley and Jaxson!