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St Stephen's C of E Junior School

'Learning to change the World' 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God' - Micah 6:8
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information about our activities, examples of our work and comments from us! Please visit often to see our learning journey develop.

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Key Information:

4BDhave indoor PE outdoor on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

4BD's entrance and exit point is the top gate at the top of the playground. 

Times table of the week: 3s, 6s and 9s



Our Class Charter

Term 6

Enquiry Overview: What effect does palm oil have on the world? - Sustainable Development Goal 15


We are continuing our enquiry, 'What effect does palm oil have on the world?' for our last term. This term, we will be planning, designing and making our orangutan puppets to sell to raise awareness for the effect palm oil has on orangutans. We will also be writing letters to Bristol Zoo explaining what have done and why we have raised the money. Keep an eye on our class page to stay updated with the amazing things we are going to be doing.

Shining Star Term 6 4BD

Being an Engineer - (Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities)

Challenge! We have come to the end of our enquiry for Term 5 and 6. Throughout both terms, we have been learning about the rainforest, why it is so important to the wildlife, people who live there and ourselves. We have learned many wonderful things about the rainforest but we have also learned some really awful things too. Deforestation is happening at such a rapid pace and it is destroying everything we need in order to survive. We have placed a huge focus on the impact of deforestation on orangutans and palm oil plantations. Did you know 25 orangutans die every day because of deforestation? 


To finish, we created our own puppets to sell for a small donation to give to Bristol Zoo. We hope to raise money and awareness about the impact of orangutans and palm oil. 

Being an Athlete - (Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities...)

To honour England making it to the semi-finals, we had a penalty shoot out with the whole school. We had so much fun competing against other year groups and shooting at the goal. We have some amazing strikers and goal keepers in our class. We were super impressed! 

Year 4 Sports Day! 

Today we had our Sports Day and it was so much fun! We competed in lots of races such as; the obstacle course, the vortex, the long jump, speed bounce, distance running and the sprint. We even had a delicious ice pop once all the fun and hard work was over!  It really helped to cool us down!

Being a Writer - (Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities)

In Week 3, we watched a video about a girl who finds an orangutan in her bedroom. She isn't sure why it is in there and finally figures out the reason. It is because humans have destroyed its home for palm oil. We became writers and delved into the world of journalism. We worked with our learning partners, with one of us being an interviewer and the other being the character who found the orangutan and asked a series of questions. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Take a look at some of our videos.

Charlie S

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Still image for this video


Being an Engineer - (Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities...)


In week 2, we started to work towards our challenge for our enquiry 'What effect does palm oil have on the world?' We are going to be creating our own orangutan hand puppets to raise money for a Bristol Zoo charity raising awareness about the effect palm oil have on orangutans.


To start, we looked at some basic thread patterns such as running stitch, baste stitch and catch  stitch. We practised the different techniques into paper to begin with. This gave us ideas as to how we could move the material to help with our sewing. After this, we sewed into a range of different materials. This proved much harder than paper but we persevered. 

Being an athlete - (Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities) 

This term, we have taken part in athletics. We have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a range of activities. We have been able to develop lots of different skills, which will help when Sport's Day arrives. We have also shown a real side competitive but we have made sure we are great sports people and supported each team by congratulating them. 

Term 5

Enquiry Overview: What effect does palm oil have on the world? - Sustainable Development Goal 15

Shining Star Term 5

Oracy - (Article 12 - You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.)

In week 1, we had a whole day to really get to understand oracy and what it means. We spent the day discussing different strands and identifying the strands we were using in different activities set for us. One of our favourite activities was the role play. We were put into groups of 3/4 and were assigned role plays such as a head teacher telling someone off, a couple getting married, someone calling 999 and someone ordering a take away. From this, we were able to identify how we use our voice, the word choices we make and how it is important to speak clearly and at an appropriate pace. We really enjoyed watching our friends perform these to us and we were able to tell them which strands we noticed they were using. We recognised that we use so many strands without even thinking about it.

Collaborative Learning

We have been learning about collaborative learning in our Purple Learning sessions. Collaborative learning means to work together as a team and make sure everyone's voice is heard and listened to. We spoke about the STS for what collaborative learning might look like and why it is important to work together in a team.


We then created our own jigsaw puzzles. We got into our groups and then assigned each person with a role. There was a timekeeper, a resources manager, a facilitator and a recorder. Each person had to keep this role. We then decided a design for our jigsaw pieces and worked together to create the puzzles. We had lots of fun doing this and then we were able to go around and do other people's puzzles. 

Engage Day

Our new enquiry focuses on the rainforest. When we came into the classroom, we listened to the sounds of the rainforest and discussed what we could hear. We were then showed the word 'biomes'. We were all quite familiar with this word because of a game so many of us play. Biomes are a large community with a variety of plants/trees and animals. Each plant/tree or animal is specifically adapted to that environment. A rainforest is a type of biome.


After this, we took a trip to our school pond! We had so much fun and couldn't believe how much wildlife lived in and around the pond. We listed all of the things we could see and then discussed what may be typical to a pond and why we may not see those creatures or plants in a rainforest.


During the afternoon, we worked in teams and were assigned certain biomes. We used the iPads for research and created posters full of facts about our biomes. When we had finished, we then presented our findings to our class using our oracy skills, 

Term 4

For the remainder of Term 4, the whole school are focussing all of their learning around the book: Here we are: Notes for living on Planet Earth by Oliver Jeffers. This wonderful picture book will take us on a journey through a series of heartfelt notes introducing planet Earth. From land and sky, to people and time, the notes explore what makes the world and how we live it. We will be using the book to re-establish our class and whole school community, focusing on important messages such as kindness and to inspire our writing, reading and to create some beautiful artwork too.

Shining Star 4BD term 4

Being an outdoor learner - (Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.)

In Week 3, we were lucky enough to go outside to do some learning. The sun was shining so we headed out to play the game 'elephants and palm trees'. It required us to listen and play together as a team and also to adjust to changes quickly otherwise we would be out of the game. We had lots of fun.

Being an athelete- (Article 29 - Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.)

In week 4, we were very lucky to have someone come in on Thursday to teach us how to play cricket. We started with a warm up which tested our listening skills. This would later help us when we worked together in a teams. After this, we got into teams and took it in turns to hit and field. We started with quite a large ball to help with our hitting and catching skills and then as time progressed and we got better, we were using a tennis ball. We had so much fun and Mrs Balla-Davis was so impressed with our batting skills. 

Red Nose Day - It's time to be funny for money!

 To celebrate Red Nose Day, we did something funny for money. We came into school wearing something funny like our clothes on backwards or wearing underwear over our trousers. In the afternoon, we told jokes to our class mates. We really enjoyed this and heard lots of funny jokes.


Watch our video of best jokes.

Being an artist- (Article 29 - Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.)

In week 4, we have been focusing on drawing in our art lessons. We started by listening to some music and drawing how the music made us feel. It was so interesting to see the different drawings our classmates had done. After this, we focused on shapes starting with lines. We then moved onto squares and rectangles, swirls and loops and to finish with circles.


This then helped up the focus on the main activity. We are going to be drawing people so we started by looking at the body and what shapes we think it is made up of. One person stood at the front of the class and we drew them using squares and rectangles (strange, we know!) but it actually worked! We were then able to round off the squares and rectangles using a range of sketching techniques. We were all pretty impressed with our outcomes and looking forward to working towards our final piece. 

Being a Purple Learner (Article 29: the aims of education) 

In Week 3, we revisited what it meant to be a Purple Learner, which we know can also be described as a successful learner. It was really useful to recap our suggestions of 'helpful talk' and 'movers' and demonstrate these skills in discussions with our talk partners and in talk trios. We revised what 'the struggle' looked like and discussed how magnificent mistakes truly are since we cannot move our learning forward without them. Finally, we wrote ourselves a positive self-encouragement note and wore them on our jumpers for the day. Take a look at some below!


The first two weeks of Term 4 were our final two weeks of online learning. During the first week, we developed a fantastic understanding of fronted adverbial phrases when 'Being a Writer'. Whilst 'Being a Mathematician', we learned about measurements. We started by learning about length using mm, cm, m and km then we learned about mass using g and kg.


In addition to the fantastic learning we have been doing, we became historians and continued learning about Anglo-Saxons. Throughout our second week, we celebrated World Book Day and explored alternative versions of Twisted Fairytales. We have created superb comic strips,drop the egg challenge and enhanced our skills by creating a news report based on the fall of Humpty Dumpty ! We are so proud of the work that 4CJ have produced and cannot wait to see them back in the classroom. Take a look below at our wonderful work. 

Term 3

How can we change farming so there is food for everyone?

This term, our class book is The Good Garden by Katie Milway. The book is set in Hondouras in South America, where the lives are the people are very different to the lives we lead in England. Through this book, we will be focusing on a variety of genres helping us to incorporate our targets and skills we learn. Our class book links to the concept of farming helping us to answer our enquiry questions - 'How can we change farming so there is food for everyone?' We will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons and how they used farming. We will also be learning about the digestive system and its functions and why we have teeth and why they're important. This all fits hand in hand with our Global Goal - Zero Hunger where we will delve deep into the world of fairness and sustainability when it comes to food and the earth's natural resources.

Lock-Down 2021

This term, we have become incredible technologists by completing our school work online - something nobody else has ever had to do before! Because we were told to stay at home and stay safe, 4CJ have continued to explore and apply new learning and challenge themselves in everything that they do. Whilst ‘Being Wrtiers’, we have developed a wonderful understanding of inverted commas, progressive tenses and apostrophes to show singular possession. When ‘Being Mathematicians’, we have learned how to multiply 3 digits by 1 digit, divide by 10 and 100 and learned all about factor pairs. We have also persevered with sequencing skills whilst ‘Being a Reader’. We have enjoyed activities based on Safer Internet Day and Mental Health Week as well as weekly virtual meets where we can see our friends and play fun games including scavenger hunts. Here is a just a small sample of what 4CJ have been getting up to over Term 3. Keep up the wonderful work Year 4, you are amazing!

Safe Internet Day: Unboxing videos

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Virtual singing assembly with Nigel

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Term 2 

This term we are going to continue with our enquiry 'How can one person make a difference?' We learned a lot so far but over the new few weeks, we'll start to use our skills to complete our challenge 'Create a Banksy Style Mural' .


Maths Morning - Article 28 Access to education

The children had a great time getting to spend their morning solving puzzles and mathematical challenges to do with helping out Rudolph's nose! Their purple learning really shone through in their determination to solve very challenging topics such as triangular numbers!

Athletics & Fitness - Article 31 The Right to Rest & Play

This term, when we have been being sportspeople, we have been practising our athletics and working on our fitness. Everyone has shown true determination in the PE, trying to be as fast and thorough in their exercise as they can.

Being authors  - Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities

Even though we have been isolating, it has not stopped us from doing some absolutely fabulous learning. This week, we wrote Prove its using the targets we have been focusing on during our home learning. We have worked incredibly hard and our computer skills are really improving! See if you can spot some similes and some compound sentences.

Making recycled sea creatures- Article 29 -Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.

During our time home learning we have been focusing on the Global Goal 14 - Life Underwater. We have learnt all about the problems facing the oceans and the creatures that live within them, particularly with plastic waste. We expressed our passion towards the problems our sea creatures are facing due to pollution and littering by making own sea creature using recyclable materials. 

No Pens Day! - Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.

In week 3, we started the week off with 'No Pens Monday'. This was something totally new to us but we enjoyed every single minute. It is as simple as it says - no pens all day! We couldn't wait to find out what there was in store for us! The aim of the day was to help improve our oracy skills. Oracy skills include listening, talking, presenting, discussing and debating. During our writing, we worked with our partners. We were given a picture which one of us wasn't allowed to see and the other had to describe as best as possible so we could draw it. It was so fun! During our maths time, we discussed lots of reasoning questions which help when it comes to writing our Prove Its. Then in the afternoon, we planned a protest about climate change and racial equality. We really enjoyed ourselves and cannot wait for the next one!

WOW! - Article 24: You have the right to clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that you can stay healthy. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.

To start our new enquiry, we began by discussing what it meant by 'Zero Hunger'. We thought about places all over the world where hunger is a huge problem and the more we thought about it, the more we began to realise it's a problem in all countries. We were shocked to find out that there are children in our country who don't have enough to buy food and this was something for us that hit us quite hard. We discussed the idea of food banks and why these are so important to those who don't have enough money.


In the afternoon, we then created our own adverts using green screens to raise awareness for people who don't have enough money and to try and persuade people to donate money or food to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Take a look at some of the adverts we created.

Persuasion Advert

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Persuasion advert 2

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Being Artists - Article 12 You have the right to give your opinion and for adults to listen and take it seriously

In week 3, we completed our challenge and spray painted our Bansky Style Murals. Spray painting was much trickier than we expected it to be but we persevered and completed beautiful designs. We had to carefully consider where the spray paint might go but our finished pieces are something we are truly proud of. Take a look and see if you can guess what our hidden messages are.

Being Artists - Article 12 You have the right to give your opinion and for adults to listen and take it seriously

Our challenge was to create a Banksy Style Mural to represent a message behind this. We focused on Greta Thunberg and Paul Stephenson. We thought carefully about what we wanted our murals to represent and how we wanted them to look. 


Because Banksy uses stencils, we decided to use this approach as well. This was much harder than we thought but we persevered and managed to do it. We were so impressed with what we achieved and so was Mrs Balla-Davis. Take a look at some of our designs. 

Term 1

Enquiry Overview: How Can One Person Make A Difference? - Sustainable Development Goal 13 - Climate Action
How Can One Person Make A Difference?
This term, Year 4 are going to delving into Sustainable Development Goal 13- Climate Action with a focus on how one person can make a difference. Alongside this, we will be doing work based on the book 'Floodlands' by Marcus Sedgwick which is based on a young girl called Zoe who is trapped in Norwich as most of England is under water. Please check our page for updates on our fabulous learning!

Roman numerals- Article 28 every child has the right to education


This week we have been focusing on learning to read and write Roman numerals and how to convert Arabic numbers into Roman numerals. Here is a selection of work from Lyla,Sonny and Myleigh.

Roman numerals

Sporting Chance- Article 31 the right to play and relax

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We have been enjoying our outside PE sessions with our Sporting Chance coach. Mr Jones taught us how to run,jump and throw with the correct technique. Yesterday we progressed further and even tried a triple jump.

Being Musicians- Article 31- The right to participate in cultural and artistic activities

In week 6, we have been musicians. We have used our scientific knowledge of sound and developed our understanding of pitch, pulse and rhythm. We practiced creating a simple four pulse/beat composition as a class then we worked in small groups to perform our own 16 beat body percussion composition in a round.

Body Percussion

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WOW Day! Article 24 - We have the right to...a clean and safe environment. 

To begin our enquiry we started with a WOW day. When we first came into the classroom, we noticed the door. It looked amazing! We had so many questions and couldn't wait to find out more. After discussing the door, we then started to look at protests and spoke about the reasons people protest. It was really interesting to see the different ways people protest such as peaceful protests in order to get their message across. We honed in on the word peaceful and discussed what this meant to us. 


When we had finished break, we came in and looked at a range of protest photos and discussed what we liked about them. We then used some of the ideas we had seen and started to design our own protest posters to help save our planet. In the afternoon, we drew onto the cardboard and started to paint. We had so much fun and didn't want the day to end! 

The Varmints Diary Entry
This week, we focussed on retelling a part of the story in the point of view of a varmint (an annoying creature!) We then worked hard on purple polishing our writing to help with punctuation, spelling and up levelling our vocabulary. 